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Total Records : 42423 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000009528 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER Supply, Installation & Commissioning of “Wireless Window Annunciator System at 220 kV Nandgaon Peth & 220 kV Ghatodi S/Stns under EHV O&M Circle,Amravati”

21-07-2018 20-08-2018 (83 KB)
7000009605 Karad


21-07-2018 20-08-2018 (79 KB)
7000008933 Karad

Re-Tender Notice towards Supply & commissioning of Bay unit (BCU) required for extension of Busbar protection to 1 x 50 MVA, 220/33KV Transformer commissioned at 220KV Wathar substation (MBR NO. 2714) under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur

17-07-2018 20-08-2018 (44 KB)
7000009828 Karad

SRM Enquiry for additional earth pit at various substations as per circular MSETCL/CO/PRoj& Des –S2 /standardization/12459 Dt 16.10.2014 under EHV O&M Dn,Kolhapur.

16-08-2018 21-08-2018 (134 KB)
7000009380 Nagpur

Extension. Upgradation of Existing Laptop & Desktop Computer, Printer and Procurement of new Laptop, Desktop, Printer under EHV CC O&M Zone Nagpur.


31-07-2018 21-08-2018 (962 KB)
EE/EHV(O&M)/NND/TS/File No.73/961. Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: Hiring of Vehicle i.e. Air Conditioned Swift Dzire/Maruti Ertiga/Honda City or equivalent car with driver for Executive Engineer, EHV O&M Division, Nanded.

16-08-2018 21-08-2018 (360 KB)
EE/400KV RS DN ALKUD/T/ No.141 Karad

Enquiry for Providing of 1 No. of Diesel Vehicle (TATA-INDICA/ INDIGO/ MARUTI SWIFT DEZIRE/Honda Amaze or Equivalent/above ) with driver on hire per day basis for the office use of The Executive Engineer 400KV RS. Division Alkud(M).

14-08-2018 21-08-2018 (380 KB)
7000009371 Nagpur

Work of supply, erection, testing & commissioning of 33kV Switchyard at 400kV Switching S/Stn, CSTPS Premises, Urjanagar, Chandrapur.

14-07-2018 21-08-2018 (160 KB)
1161 Karad

Enquiry no.04 for hiring of TATA Indica equivalent or above vehicle for EHV Projects Division, Sangli

14-08-2018 21-08-2018 (575 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/LTR/1078 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry for supply of blue colour silica Gel to various EHV S/S under EHV O&M Dn. Latur.

14-08-2018 21-08-2018 (659 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/LTR/1077 Aurangabad

E Enquiry of printing & supply of daily logsheet, various Registers, leave formats, Travelling allowance format etc. for various EHV substations, sub-division and administrative office under EHV O&M Division Latur.

14-08-2018 21-08-2018 (2.1 MB)
ee/ehv o & M/dn/krd/T/950 Karad

Supply of best quality blue silica gel having Crystal Size 3-4 mesh (6-8mm) for various S/Stn under EHV O&M Division, Karad

14-08-2018 21-08-2018 (836 KB)
EE/EHV O&M DN/RTN/T/ No. 01682 Karad

Enquiry for up-gradation of Desktop Computers by new ones at MSETCL EHV O&M Division Ratnagiri.

13-08-2018 21-08-2018 (48 KB)
EE/EHV O&M DN/RTN/T/ No. 01683 Karad

Enquiry for Supply & installation of the Water Purifiers (RO & UV) for various S/s, under EHV O&M Division Ratnagiri.

13-08-2018 21-08-2018 (40 KB)
01356 Amravati

E-Enquiry for hiring of Tata Sumo/Bolero LMV for Hot Line Unit Akola for the period from Aug-18 to March-19.

13-08-2018 21-08-2018 (36 KB)
317 Karad

Enquiry for hiring of LMV(Diesel) such as TATA SUMO/ BOLERO/ Utility vehicle equivalent for Maintenance/Testing unit at 400kV R.S.Dn.Talandge.

10-08-2018 21-08-2018 (1 MB)
7000009832 Karad

Requirement of various services required for dismantling, erection & commissioning of 02 Nos (Two) of 400/220/33 KV 105 MVA, NGEF make Single Ph. ICT units at 400 KV R.S.Karad.

06-08-2018 21-08-2018 (1.3 MB)
7000009797 Aurangabad

Work of Structural strengthening to 132kV Equipment RCC Column & Beam at 132kV Harsul Sub Station, Aurangabad under CCCM Division, Aurangabad

05-08-2018 21-08-2018 (40 KB)
7000009550 Nagpur

Work for developing and implementing Remote operation of 220KV TSS Butibori S/Stn from 220KV Old Butibori S/Stn via existing PLCC link at Sub-station under EHV (O&M) Division, MSETCL, Nagpur

21-07-2018 21-08-2018 (117 KB)
7000009856 Nagpur

Extension. Work of urgent replacement of 245 KV Bushing of CGL make 220/66KV 50 MVA TF-1 at 220KV Warora Substation under EHV O&M Division, Ballarshah

08-08-2018 22-08-2018 (212 KB)