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Total Records : 42510 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
NA Pune

Enquiry for Hiring of Vehicle Tata Sumo / Bolero for EHV ss Projects Sdn, Baramati under EHV Projects Dn-I, Pune.(dated 14-09-2018)

12-09-2018 26-09-2018 (685 KB)
7000009329 Vashi

2nd Call of E-Tender for AMC for the centralized AC unit & spilt AC unit under 400KV R S O&M DN Kalwa.

12-09-2018 26-09-2018 (307 KB)
7000009350 Vashi

2nd Call of E-Tender for supply of bird spike guard for fixing on the 400kV and 220kV gantry for prevent the nesting of bird on the gantry at substation under 400KV R S O&M DN Kalwa.

12-09-2018 26-09-2018 (318 KB)
7000010196 Vashi

 SRM e-Tender Notice No. 03/2018-19 .

12-09-2018 26-09-2018 (359 KB)
7000010017 Nagpur

Work of construction of 33kV bays for MSEDCL at various EHV substation under EHV O&M Circle Nagpur

26-08-2018 26-09-2018 (8 KB)
7000010031 Pune

Publication of Re-E-Teder notice for providing for skilled man power as Technical Operators, Jr. Technicians at various Substations under EHV (O&M) Division. II, Pune (Zone III) for the period of one year.(dated 27-08-2018)

27-08-2018 26-09-2018 (26 KB)
7000010006 Nagpur

Benching due to low ground clearance on 400KV Chandrapur Khaperkheda line under 400KV Line Maint. Sub-Division, Chandrapur under HVDC TL O&M Division Chandrapur.

25-08-2018 26-09-2018 (26 KB)
7000009912 Nagpur

Cancellation of Tender for Procurement of 1 No. portable variable DC supply Converter (Ashida make or equivalent) for Testing Lab at Testing Dn. Nagpur.

19-08-2018 27-09-2018 (116 KB)
7000010310 Nashik

EHV Project Circle,Nashik:notice for Cancellation of tender  having tender number 7000010310

27-09-2018 27-09-2018 (46 KB)
7000010293 Vashi

SRM Enquiry for Providing & Fixing of New Aircell for 50MVA, 220/33KV Bharat Bijalee make T/F at 220KV Nerul Substation under EHV (O&M) Dn., Bhandup

20-09-2018 27-09-2018 (29 KB)
7000009858 Vashi

Tender for CB air compressor overhauling at 220kV RS Kalwa and 400KV R S Kalwa under 400kV RS division Kalwa .

20-09-2018 27-09-2018 (110 KB)
7000009873 Vashi

Extension to SRM E-tender for Replacement and supply of ACDB & DCDB at 220 kV Mulund Substation under EHV O&M Dn Bhandup

11-08-2018 27-09-2018 (30 KB)
7000010091 Vashi

Tender for various maintenance activity to be carried out under planned and emergency outages at 220kV and 400kV RS Kalwa under 400kV RS O&M Dn Kalwa.

20-09-2018 27-09-2018 (111 KB)
7000010207 Nagpur

Work of overhauling & repairing of 220KV ABB Make Circuit breakers at various S/Stn under EHV (O&M) Division, Nagpur along with supply of spares

13-09-2018 27-09-2018 (272 KB)
7000010045 Karad

Balance work of 132 KV Inter link line from 220 KV Jath to 110 KV Jath substation and 1x132 KV end bay at 110 KV Jath S/s.

28-08-2018 27-09-2018 (15 KB)
7000009519 Karad

Work of Annual maintenance & attending emergency breakdowns of 400/220KV Sub-Station as & when required at 400KV RS Alkud under 400KV RS Division, Alkud(M)

28-08-2018 27-09-2018 (21 KB)
7000010053 Nagpur

Work of AMC contract for maintenance of fire protection fire/smoke/heat detector system available at 400/220KV Koradi substation under 400KV RS (O&M) Division Nagpur.

28-08-2018 27-09-2018 (41 KB)
7000010024 Amravati

E-tender towards of “Annual Maintenance Contract for servicing, repairs and maintenance of 48 V ,110 V & 220 V DC Battery Sets & Battery Chargers at various EHV substations under EHV O&M Circle, Akola”.

27-08-2018 27-09-2018 (47 KB)
Tender No. 01/2018-19 RFx No:7000009336 Pune

2nd Call for Work of Annual contract for weed control chemical treatment at various sub-stations under EHV O&M Division Baramati.

28-08-2018 27-09-2018 (9 KB)
7000009957 Karad

Work of application of RTV Coating on 33 KV Tertiary bushing , 33 KV PT, 33KV LA & Support Insulators for 400/220KV 500 MVA ICT 33 KV Side for Delta formation & Insulation coating to IPS Tube at 400 KV Alkud Sub Station under 400KV RS Dn. Alkud (M).

28-08-2018 27-09-2018 (16 KB)