7000009563 |
Vashi |
E- Tender - 2nd call for work of replacement of 220kV Isolator with new Double break isolators at 220kV R S Kalwa under 400kV R S Dn., Kalwa
05-09-2018 |
04-10-2018 |
(153 KB)
7000010013 |
Pune |
Exetnsion to Retender for Supply of power supply PCB of Hydran M2 online DGA units at 400kV RS Div. Jejuri.(dated 08-10-2018)
06-09-2018 |
16-10-2018 |
(127 KB)
"SE/EHV/O&M/CIR/SHP/T/833; Dtd 06.09.2018" |
Pune |
E-enquiry for Work of up-gradation by buyback of existing desktop & printer at Tech, HR & F&A section under EHV O&M Circle, Solapur.
06-09-2018 |
15-09-2018 |
(57 KB)
5000000681 |
Corporate Office |
Tender No. SP/T-0506/0918 for Procurement of 200 KVA, 33/0.433KV Station Transformers under Executive Engineer (St.V).
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
06-09-2018 |
06-10-2018 |
(82 KB)
7000010132 |
Aurangabad |
Providing Chemical water proofing over terrace slab & external wall texture alongwith painting to E-type staff quarter & Shed Quarters for Class-IV at 132 kv S/S Harsool, Dist- Aurangabad under CCCM Division Aurangabad
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
06-09-2018 |
05-10-2018 |
(122 KB)
70000009600 |
Vashi |
Supply of spare 36KV ABB make (Type-VD4/W36.12.32) Indoor Vacuum Circuit Breaker Trolleys at 220KV Mahape substations under EHV (O&M) Division, Kalwa.
06-09-2018 |
05-10-2018 |
(285 KB)
7000010013 |
Pune |
Publication of Re-tender notice for Supply of power supply PCB of Hydran M2 online DGA units at 400kV RS Div. Jejuri.(dated 06-09-2018)
06-09-2018 |
05-10-2018 |
(91 KB)
7000010160 |
Nagpur |
Construction of 33/0.4KV Station TF bay alongwith supply 33/0.4KV Station Transformer & its associated equipments, 1 No. each at 132KV Kardha S/S and 132KV Madgi S/S under under EHV (O&M) Division, MSETCL, Bhandara
06-09-2018 |
06-10-2018 |
(23 KB)
7000010129 |
Nagpur |
Work of supply, erection, testing & commissioning of 33kV Switchyard at 400kV Switching S/Stn, CSTPS Premises, Urjanagar, Chandrapur.
06-09-2018 |
06-10-2018 |
(172 KB)
7000010161 |
Nagpur |
Providing & fixing of 18W LED lights required at 400/220KV Koradi 1 Substation under 400KV RS (O&M) Division, Nagpur.
06-09-2018 |
13-09-2018 |
(42 KB)
EE/400kV/RS/GRL/896 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry for Erection & fabrication of support structures required for Rapid Restoration of System (RRS) for changeover system for 4*167MVA, 400/220/33kV ICT-III at 400kV S/s, Girwali under 400kV RS(O&M) Division, Girwali.
06-09-2018 |
14-09-2018 |
(1.9 MB)
5000000682 |
Corporate Office |
Tender No. SP/T-0507/0918 for 400 KV 125 MVAR Bus Reactor along with New Uninhibited Naphthenic Based High Grade Mineral Insulating Oil under Executive Engineer (St.V).
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
06-09-2018 |
06-10-2018 |
(82 KB)
7000010155 |
Nashik |
EHV CCCM Divison, Nashik:Notice for work of Construction of oil Sump and various civil maintenance works of control room at 132 KV Sub station Sinnar (Old), Tal:- Sinnar, Dist:- Nashik.
06-09-2018 |
05-10-2018 |
(910 KB)
EE/400kV/RS/O&M/DN/DHL/421 |
Nashik |
400 KV R.S. (O&M) Division, DHULE:Notice for work of providing diesel utility vehicle on hiring basis for 400 kv dhule babaleshwar Line maintenance sub-division.
06-09-2018 |
21-09-2018 |
(259 KB)
EE/400kV/RS/O&M/DN/DHL/423 |
Nashik |
400 KV R.S. (O&M) Division, DHULE:Notice for work of providing diesel vehicle on hiring basis for the On-line PID Work 400 kv PID Unit,Dhule.
06-09-2018 |
21-09-2018 |
(278 KB)
EE/400kV/RS/O&M/DN/DHL/422 |
Nashik |
400 KV R.S. (O&M) Division, DHULE:Notice for work of providing Air Conditioned diesel Car on hiring basis for for Executive engineer 400 kv R.S. (O&M) Division dhule.
06-09-2018 |
21-09-2018 |
(282 KB)
7000009828 |
Karad |
7 Days extension for SRM Enquiry for additional earth pit at various substations as per circular MSETCL/CO/PRoj& Des –S2 /standardization/12459 Dt 16.10.2014 under EHV O&M Dn, Kolhapur.
06-09-2018 |
14-09-2018 |
(135 KB)
7000010071 |
Nashik |
EHV O&M Circle, Nashik:Notice for Work of attending Emergency Breakdown works due to collapsed of 5 nos. towers of DC 400kV Dhule-Babhaleshwar Line (Between loc.no. 118-122) near village Andarsul.
06-09-2018 |
20-09-2018 |
(254 KB)
7000010111 |
Aurangabad |
Works of Providing and Applying High Insulation Compound Coating having dieelectric strength more than 82kv/mm to IPS Tube and Support Insulators and LA used for 33kV Delts Connection of Tetiary Winding of 400kV/220/33kV 501 MVA ICT-3 at 400kV R.S. Division Waluj.
06-09-2018 |
21-09-2018 |
(153 KB)
7000010151 |
Nashik |
EHV (O&M) Division Nasik :Supply of clamps at various EHV substations.
06-09-2018 |
20-09-2018 |
(45 KB)