EE/1030 Dt. 24.09.2018 |
Pune |
Publication of cancellation notice for detail survey of 100kV Chinchwad-Talegaon line and 100kV Pawana tap in existing ROW.(dated 03-10-2018)
21-09-2018 |
28-09-2018 |
(51 KB)
EE/TD/NSK/Tech/T-17/V-8/530 |
Nashik |
Re-Enquiry for Providing Tata Sumo /Mahindra Xylo/ Bolero (Diesel) or equivalent vehicle along with driver on hired (per day) basis at testing unit Nashik 2 under testing division Nashik
24-09-2018 |
28-09-2018 |
(569 KB)
EEC/EHV/CCCM Dn/NSK/Tech/1527 |
Nashik |
E-quotation for the work of Providing Tata Indica/Vista vehicle on hired basis for the Additional Executive Engineer (Civil) EHV CCCM Sub Division-I, Nashik
24-09-2018 |
28-09-2018 |
(756 KB)
"SE/EHV/O&M/CIR/SHP/T/877; Dtd 21.09.2018" |
Pune |
E-Enquiry for providing of LMV vehicle (Tata Sumo, Mahindra bolero etc.) on hire basis at The Office Of The Deputy Executive Engineer, Hot line unit Solapur
21-09-2018 |
28-09-2018 |
(676 KB)
EE/400 KV/RS DN./LONIKAND II/2018-19/ET- 08 DATE: 18.08.2018 |
Pune |
Extension of E-Tender for RFX NO 7000009995 of AMC for Weed Control chemical Treatment & rodent control treatment at 400KV R. S. Division Lonikand II.(dated 21-09-2018)
21-08-2018 |
28-09-2018 |
(59 KB)
7000010301 |
Pune |
Publication of Re-E-Enquiry notice for Work for detail survey of 100kV Chinchwad-Talegaon line and 100kV Pawana tap in existing ROW.(dated 21-09-2018)
21-09-2018 |
28-09-2018 |
(27 KB)
7000010300 |
Karad |
SRM-Enquiry for Supply of the Plastic Molded Visitor Chairs at various substations,Subdivisions & for Office of the Executive Engineer EHV O&M Dn Kolhapur.
21-09-2018 |
28-09-2018 |
(107 KB)
EE/PRJ/ABAD/1354 |
Aurangabad |
E Enquiry for providing TATA Sumo or Equivqlent Vehicle on hiring basis with driver for 400 kV Line Project Sub Division-1 Aurangabad under Project Division Aurangabad
21-09-2018 |
28-09-2018 |
(192 KB)
Karad |
E-Enquiry for Purchase of Printers on buy back for various substations & office of the Executive Engineer EIM&M Division, Kolhapur.
21-09-2018 |
28-09-2018 |
(1.4 MB)
7000009900 |
Karad |
SRM Tender Extension notice for RFx. No. 7000009900 for the Work of providing of Outsource Skilled Computer Operators, LDC, Un-Skilled Peons for various Sections under 400KV Alkud (M).
21-09-2018 |
28-09-2018 |
(12 KB)
(RFx No- 7000009742) (RFx No.) 7000009742) |
Pune |
SRM E-enquiry (Extension-2) for Supply Electrical Spare Material at 400 KV RS (O&M) Dn Chakan.(dated 18-09-2018)
19-09-2018 |
28-09-2018 |
(572 KB)
7000010009 |
Pune |
Second Extension to SRM e-enquiry for Supply of oil sample bottle at various substations under EHV O&M Division, Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune. (RFx No.7000010009) (dated 18-09-2018)
24-08-2018 |
28-09-2018 |
(187 KB)
7000010055 |
Nagpur |
Work of loading, unloading ,winching and Transportation of various capacity Transformers along with/without oil and all accessories from works of repairs/sub-stations to sub-station/work of repairs and work of transportation, loading & unloading of the EHV Class Materials from anywhere in Maharashtra state to various Substations under RS Ringmain Division Nagpur.
30-08-2018 |
28-09-2018 |
(212 KB)
7000010029 |
Vashi |
E-Tender for the Work of Protective anticorrosive coating of switchyard old rusted gantry & equipment structures at 220kV Kolshet / Mulund & RS Kalwa under EHV O&M Circle, Kalwa.
29-08-2018 |
28-09-2018 |
(480 KB)
NA |
Pune |
Re E-enquiry for Repairing & Calibration of Megger Make Insulation tester MIT 520/2 at 220kV Telco S/S under EHV Division,Pimpri Chinchwad Division, Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune(dated 18-09-2018)
19-09-2018 |
29-09-2018 |
(638 KB)
Nashik |
EHV Projects Division,Nashik.: E-enquiry for hiring of vehicle alongwith vehicle driver at EHV Lines S/Dn Malegaon.
15-09-2018 |
29-09-2018 |
(1.2 MB)
7000010236 |
Nagpur |
Work of Height Raising of 33KV Chandrapur-Chincholi Earth Electrode Line (between Loc.No. 8-12) for proposed Coal transport Pipe Conveyor of MSPGCL Chandrapur under ORC work
15-09-2018 |
29-09-2018 |
(212 KB)
EE/EHVPD-I/PN/T-02/2018-19 (RFX No. 7000010233) |
Pune |
Re-Tender notice for Work of L.N. 23 132 kV S/C Line into D/C Line between Mundhawa Tap to Magarpatta tap (special tower) 0.6 km.(dated 14-09-2018)
15-09-2018 |
29-09-2018 |
(106 KB)
7000010039 |
Karad |
Providing 2 Inches G.I. pipe for covering PSD cable of 125 MVAr bus reactor at 400KV S/Stn., Vijaynagar, Karad, Dist-Satara.
30-08-2018 |
29-09-2018 |
(79 KB)
7000009789 |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Tender: Work of Annual Maintenance Contract of line maintenance activities of various EHV lines under EHV(O&M) Division, Parbhani.
30-08-2018 |
29-09-2018 |
(487 KB)