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Total Records : 42459 SRM e-Tendering
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272 Karad

E-Enquiry for Hiring of TATA Sumo/Bolero or equivalent vehicle for Addl.EE Mobile Testing Unit, PAC Circle, Karad

08-11-2023 16-11-2023 (508 KB)
7000028911 Nagpur

The AMC of Ingersoll Rand Air Compressor Model No.234 of EHV circuit breaker at 220KV Ambazari Sub-station, 220KV Butibori - I Sub-Station, 220KV Kalmeshwar Sub-Station, 220KV Kanhan Sub-Station, 220KV Khaperkheda Sub-Station, under EHV (O&M) Dn. MSETCL,Nagpur

08-11-2023 15-11-2023 (37 KB)
7000028805 Pune

E-tender for Work Contract for the work of replacement of normal/antifog type porcelain disc insulators by antifog long rod porcelain disc insulators along with DSN/DTN hardware of various 400kV lines under EHV O&M Circle, Pune. (dated 06-11-2023)

08-11-2023 22-12-2023 (233 KB)
7000029011 Vashi

Tender for appointment of forest consultant for work of preparation & processing the proposal for obtaining final
approval of wildlife proposal from National Board for wildlife (NBWL) under the wild life (Protection) Act, 1972
(Wildlife Act) r/o Construction of proposed 220KV M/C LILO on PadgheWada and Kolshet-Wada Tr line for 400kv Kudus substation.

07-11-2023 15-11-2023 (35 KB)
7000028650 Karad

Cancellation notice: Cutting and removing grass, shrubs & shifting outside the premises etc at 400KV RS Dn, New Koyna.

07-11-2023 14-11-2023 (359 KB)
7000029015 Karad

Cancellation notice: Providing and fixing of OTI (Oil TemperatureIndicator) & Digital Remote Temperature Indicators at 400KV R.S Dn New Koyna.

07-11-2023 14-11-2023 (337 KB)
7000028788 Nagpur

Extension to the 1st call of E-tender for Supply & application of nano technology based acid & alkali resistant nano-modified anti corrosive coating on rusted Transmission Lines Towers leg/stubs under jurisdiction of HVDC TL O&M Division, Chandrapur under HVDC RS O&M Circle, Chandrapur.

07-11-2023 14-11-2023 (276 KB)
EE/400KV RS O&M/Dn/KRD/T/N Karad

E-Enquiry for Hiring of Utility Vehicle Tata Yodha /mahindra pick up , or equivalent vehicle for 400 KV R.S.Karad

07-11-2023 16-11-2023 (165 KB)
7000028883 Karad

Work contract for Annual maintenance contract for weed control work at 400KV, 220KV, 33KV switchyard & other areas under 400KV R.S. Dn., New Koyna.

07-11-2023 16-11-2023 (484 KB)
7000028760 Karad

SRM RE-Tender for Deep Earthing with DDCP (Deep dug conductive pit) method dedicated earthing system at 220kV Niwali S/s & 132kV Talebazar S/s, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri.

07-11-2023 15-11-2023 (282 KB)
7000028774 Karad

SRM RE-Tender for Providing & fixing of 100W LED Flood lights at various EHV Substations, under EHV O&M Division,Ratnagiri.

07-11-2023 15-11-2023 (285 KB)
EE/EHV/Projects/DN-II/PN/No. 1314 dt. 07.11.2023 Pune

E-enquiry in r/o calling budgetary offer of 220kV Outdoor GIS Line bay at 220kV Telco MSETCL end & 220kV Metering Bay at 220kV TMPVL for the project of M/s Tata Motor's Passengers Vehicle Ltd. for 22 MW power demand at Passenger Car Business Unit Sector No. 15 & 15A, PCNTDA, Chikhali, Taluka — Haveli, District – Pune. (dated 07-11-2023)

07-11-2023 15-11-2023 (3 MB)
Enquiry L.No.398 dtd 07.11.2023 Pune

Budgetory offers through email are invited for calibration of various testing kits of Megger make available under 400 kV R.S O&M Dn Chakan (dated 07-11-2023)

07-11-2023 17-11-2023 (583 KB)
7000028678 Vashi

Work of replacement of existing old polymer insulator by new long rod porcelain insulators of 220kV ONGC - Kandalgaon, 220kV Topworth- Kharghar. 220kV Topworth - Vilebhagad & 220kV TSS-Kharghar D/C line  under EHV (O&M) Circle, Panvel.  

07-11-2023 15-11-2023 (430 KB)
7000028787 Vashi

AMC for routine maintenance of Nitrogen injection fire protection system (NIFPS) including replacement of faulty spares  at various substation under Panvel circle. Tender Fee- Rs. 500/-+ GST   

07-11-2023 15-11-2023 (420 KB)
7000029012 Vashi

Work of damaged cable of 100kV Godrej - I line in Godrej company premises under EHV Lines S/Dn. Panvel - I  EHV (O&M) Circle, Panvel.  

07-11-2023 15-11-2023 (420 KB)
7000029023 Vashi

Supply of Hydraulic Crimping Machine with petrol engine drive and die set of different size to EHV Lines S/Dn. Dombivali and line S/Dn. Padghe under EHV (O&M) Circle, Panvel.

07-11-2023 15-11-2023 (28 KB)
Enquiry L.No.397 dtd 07.11.2023 Pune

Budgetary offers through email are invited for supply and installation of advanced cable transit system at 400 kV Chakan s/s (dated 07-11-2023)

07-11-2023 17-11-2023 (594 KB)
238 Karad

Enquiry for submission of budgetary offer for the Work of DG Set Automation & Servicing of ACBs at 400KV RS Alkud under 400KV RS DN Alkud (M)

07-11-2023 15-11-2023 (782 KB)
7000029008 Pune

Re Tender for work of repair of 33/22/11 kV CT’s and PT’s available as a spare or faulty at Various 220/132 kV Substations under jurisdiction of EHV O & M Division-1, Pune (dated 07-11-2023)

07-11-2023 15-11-2023 (906 KB)