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Total Records : 42238 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
EE/PACD/DHL/Tech/No.232 Dt.14.08.2024 Nashik

Enquiry for providing hired diesel Jeep/Tata Sumo/Tarx/ Equivalent Vehicle with driver on hired per day basis for Automation Unit Dhule under the jurisdiction of PAC Division Dhule

14-08-2024 21-08-2024 (2.6 MB)
RFX no. 7000032796 Pune

Publication of E-Tender notice for work of cold line cleaning (manually) of suspension & tension disc insulator strings of 220/132/100kV EHV Lines towers under EHV O&M Dn-II, Pune

14-08-2024 21-08-2024 (28 KB)
EE/PACD/DHL/Tech/No.231 Dt.14.08.2024. Nashik

 Enquiry for providing hired diesel Jeep/Tata Sumo/Tarx/ Equivalent Vehicle with driver on hired basis for Protection Unit Dhule under the jurisdiction of PAC Division Dhule

14-08-2024 21-08-2024 (2.7 MB)
EE/EHV O&M/DN/SGL/T/No. 01011 Karad

Supply of Tree Cutting Machine for LMSD Vishrambag & Borgaon under EHV O&M Division, Sangli

14-08-2024 20-08-2024 (36 KB)
7000032607 Corporate Office

SP/T-0625/0824 [3rd call] [RFX No.7000032607] (Two Bid System) Supply of Equipments/Material,Erection, Testing and Commissioning including Civil works for providing additional 1x100 MVA, 220/33 kV T/F alongwith HV/LV bays, 3x33 kV feeder bays, at 220 kV Tilawani S/Stn under EHV O&M Circle, Kolhapur against MBR No. 152/09 Dtd. 29.12.2021 on TURN-KEY basis in MSETCL.

14-08-2024 23-08-2024 (202 KB)
7000032782 Vashi

E-tender Providing & fixing of Mechanism box accessories (Hinges, Door Lock, Gasket etc )of 400 kV C.B  and 220KV C.B at 400kV RS Kalwa and 220Kv RS Kalwa under 400kV RS O&M Dn Kalwa   

14-08-2024 20-08-2024 (837 KB)
7000032800 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T-8 Work of providing & fixing of Anti climbing device to various EHV Line towers under EHV line Maintenance Sub Division, Khamgaon, under EHV O&M Division Buldhana(Third call)

14-08-2024 21-08-2024 (90 KB)
7000031784 Nashik

3rd call Notice for Work of replacement of 245kV and 145kV Current Transformer (with higher Tan Delta Value and No Tan Delta Point ) at various S/Stns under EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik

14-08-2024 21-08-2024 (118 KB)
7000032620 Karad

Work of replacement of single suspension hardware to double suspension hardware (SSN Hardware to DSN Hardware) at various road crossing & EHV line crossing tower locations of various 400kV Lines under EHV O&M Circle, Karad

14-08-2024 21-08-2024 (282 KB)
7000032793 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T-7 Work of annual maintenance contract for periodic maintenance of yard lighting system at various EHV Substations as and when required under jurisdiction of EHV O&M Division, Buldhana(Third call)

14-08-2024 21-08-2024 (90 KB)
7000032787 Nagpur

Supply of 1 No. Desktop, 1 No. printer along with UPS and office furniture required at Hot Line Unit Nagpur under EHV (O&M) Circle office Nagpur.

14-08-2024 21-08-2024 (55 KB)
7000032783 Vashi

Annual Maintenance Contract for Repairing, Servicing and Maintenance of Critical LVAC feeders during annual outage 2024-25 at HVDC, Padghe.  

14-08-2024 21-08-2024 (548 KB)
7000032634 Vashi

Civil works required for shifting of electrode Station at village Malegaon, Tal. Murbad, Dist. Thane.------ (4th Call)

14-08-2024 20-08-2024 (418 KB)
7000032748 Amravati

E-TENDER NOTICE Work of Annual Maintenance Contract for work of Servicing, repairing & overhauling of various makes of 33 kV CB at under 400 KV R.S. Division,Akola for FY 2024 – 25

14-08-2024 22-08-2024 (71 KB)
7000032750 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: Bi-Annual Maintenance Contract for the Work of Testing of EHV Grade Transformer Insulating Oil, by NABL accredited Mobile Testing Laboratory, On-site, of Power Transformers & ICTs installed at various S/stns. under EHV (O&M) Circle, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.

14-08-2024 21-08-2024 (380 KB)
7000032740 Nagpur


14-08-2024 21-08-2024 (343 KB)
7000031335 Karad

SRM Tender 2nd call for Cutting of Grass & Removal of Grass & shrubs at switchyards, Substation premises & weed control by chemical treatment at switchyard of various Substations, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri

14-08-2024 21-08-2024 (287 KB)
7000032716 Nagpur

2nd Call Tender for the Supply/Procurement of Trapeze Contact with L bracket along with Clamps/terminal connectors suitable for 420kV, 3150Amp. S & S power Pantograph Isolator and 0.5 ACSR moose conductors at 400kV Substation GCR-1, Chandrapur.

14-08-2024 20-08-2024 (24 KB)
7000031553 Pune

RE-tender (3rd call) for Work for Second Circuit stringing on Existing SCDC of 132 kVPurandwade Tap line under EHV O&M Circle, Solapur..Amendment-I Notice

14-08-2024 21-08-2024 (18 KB)
7000032773 Nashik

3rd Call Notice for Work of A.M.C. for servicing & repairing of Air Conditioners of various capacities at various EHV substations under EHV (O&M) Division, Jalgaon.

14-08-2024 21-08-2024 (108 KB)