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Total Records : 42238 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
- Extension & Amendment Notice for Rfx no RFx No-7000005448 , EHV (O&M) Division, MSETCL, Dhule (Dtd 28.07.2017) 28-07-2017 31-07-2017 (104 KB)
- 2nd Extension to E-Enquiry No. 548 (amendment due to GST) Dt. 14.07.2017 for Work of repairing of CTR Make OLTC of 50MVA 220/33KV BBL Transformer at 220KV Jejuri Substation under EHV O&M Division, Baramati.(dated 28-07-2017) 28-07-2017 31-07-2017 (204 KB)
- Notice for Supply of new tyres for departmental vehicle MTD-3732 under EHV Line S/Dn, Babhaleshwar under EHV (O&M) Division, Babhaleshwar (Dtd 28.07.2017) 28-07-2017 31-07-2017 (314 KB)
- AMENDMENT NO.6: RFx No.7000005143: Establishment of 132 KV Level at 400/220 KV Lonikand-II Sub-station, Dist. Pune.(dated 28-07-2017) 28-07-2017 31-07-2017 (22 KB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000005856 ) Tender for the work of rewinding of earthwire size 7/3.66 mm from wooden drums to new steel drums/available steel drums at Major Stores Panvel. (28-07-2017). 28-07-2017 31-07-2017 (1 MB)
- Cancellation of e-enquiry for Supply of stationary Items for office work at SLDC, Airoli (Dated 28.07.2017) 28-07-2017 31-07-2017 (57 KB)
- Notice for Amendment in Taxes with extension of sale period for e-Tender No.T-40/2016-17 EHV PC (O&M) Zone,Nashik (Dtd 29.07.2017) 29-07-2017 31-07-2017 (18 KB)
- Notice for Amendment for E-tender no.T-10/17-18 for Work of construction of 1 No. of 132 KV Hybrid GIS End bay at 132 KV Kopargaon TSS under EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik (Dtd 29.07.2017) 29-07-2017 31-07-2017 (13 KB)
- Extension & Amendment to SRM-E-Tender notice for the Work of Monkey Patrolling of 132kv S/C Lines under EHV(O&M) Divi (RFx No-7000005614) (Dtd 29.07.2017) 29-07-2017 31-07-2017 (104 KB)
- Notice for 2nd Call for work of attending SF-6 gas leakage from 132kV CB “B’-phase pole Make-CGL at 132kV Supa S/stn under EHV (O&M) Dn., Babhaleshwar (Dtd 29.07.2017) 29-07-2017 31-07-2017 (317 KB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000004634 )Second call of RFx for AMC for attending various problems of 220V, 48V and 24V DC Battery Chargers at HVDC Terminal Station Padghe. (29-07-2017). 29-07-2017 31-07-2017 (182 KB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000005814 )RFx for providing catering services at training center and ABB residential camp at regional training center (RTC) under 500kV HVDC RS (O&M) Circle, Padghe for the F.Y. 2017-18.. (29-07-2017). 29-07-2017 31-07-2017 (186 KB)
- Enquiry (RFX No.7000005869) Extension notice for the work of Transportation, loading & unloading of T/F accessories, S/Stn. equipment’s for various S/Stn. under EHV (O&M) Dn. Karad.(dated 29-07-2017) 29-07-2017 31-07-2017 (166 KB)
- Enquiry Ltr.No.513 Dtd.27.07.2017 for Providing skilled Labour as Junior Technician at 400 KV R.S.(Maint.) Unit under 400 KV R.S.(O&M) Dn. Karad.(dated 29-07-2017) 29-07-2017 31-07-2017 (1.3 MB)
- 2nd extension date (amendment due to GST) of SRM E-Tender on web portal for the attached Notice Publication in r/o Rfx 7000005746 for Srmetender EE/EHV /O&M/Dn/Baramati /Tender - 02/2017-18 for Supply of 430.43kVAr, 17.32kV, 24.85A, 4.57MFD suitable for 132kV, 2x10MVAr Capacitor bank at 132kV Indapur Sub Station under EHV O&M Dn Baramati.(dated 29-07-2017) 29-07-2017 31-07-2017 (92 KB)
7000009352 Amravati

SRM e-tender Extension T-13 Supply,Erection,Testing and commissioning of additional 1x100MVA,220/132kV ICT,allied HV&LV bays equipments and 220kV&132kV Bus extension along with civil works at 220kV Balapur S/S.

30-07-2017 06-08-2018 (85 KB)
- E-Enquiry: Hiring of 1 No. of Tata Sumo with driver on hire for Additional Executive Engineer, Testing Unit, Jalna under Testing/Telecom Division Aurangabad.(dated 30-07-2017) 30-07-2017 31-07-2017 (1 MB)
- E-enqury on MSETCL web about hiring of LMV vehicle for DyEE, Hot line unit, Solapur.(dated 31-07-2017) 31-07-2017 31-07-2017 (490 KB)
- Refloat of e-Enquiry for Annual Maintenance Service Contract of IBM X Series Servers at SLDC Airoli. (Comprehensive with Back to Back support from OEM & Non-Comprehensive onsite). (Dated 31.07.2017) 31-07-2017 31-07-2017 (870 KB)
- Notice for supply of safety shoes EHV projects Division Jalgaon (Dtd 31.07.2017) 31-07-2017 31-07-2017 (778 KB)